Our Structure
LC3 Church is a congregation owned, elder governed, senior pastor led, volunteer and staff
run church. The partnership is annually informed of ministry results and financial details of
the ministry operations.
Steve Fairchild is our Senior Pastor and serves as the head of our leadership team. As such,
he is focused on leading LC3 Church through inspired vision, direction and preaching.
Isaac Winstead is our Assistant Pastor to our Senior Pastor and is responsible for
implementing the vision of the church through the anointed team of men and women whom God has assembled to conduct ministry through many different ministries and departments.
Austin Bond serves as the LC3 Youth Pastor and is responsible for fostering Christian
community through building relationships with young people.
Allison Abbott is our Children’s Ministry Director.
Jessica Shamburg is our Administrative Assistant.
The Elder Board is the governing body of the church. Vision and direction for the ministries of
the church are confirmed through Elder prayer and oversight. Structure is based on a model
of singular headship by the Senior Pastor along with input from the plurality of Elders
(following the model established in Exodus 18).
Together, our team is focused on God, and we’re committed to serving you and your family as the primary work of building a great local church.
LC3 is a nondenominational, Spirit-empowered church. As a nondenominational church, we
are evangelical, focusing on biblical teaching and preaching more than church tradition as the guide to church behavior. Being a nondenominational church allows the leadership of LC3 to govern the church based on sensitivity to God’s leading and direction regarding vision, budgets, policies, formal standards and needs-based ministry.
Another characteristic of a nondenominational church relates to control of church assets.
LC3’s assets are owned by the congregation and administered by the staff and Elders, rather
than by a centralized denomination. The vision and direction of the church, along with the
church’s standards for leadership, partnership and the Statement of Faith, are determined by the Elder Board.
We acknowledge there is one universal Church referred to as the body of Christ of which LC3
is a part. God’s work through His body extends through all congregations, as well as
denominations, committed to Him. We relate within the body of Christ based on the unity of
faith and commitment we have to Christ. We openly embrace all those who love Christ and
work for His kingdom. We focus our interchurch relationships on what we have in common
and not doctrinal differences or biblical interpretations. We come together as much as
possible with other congregations for the benefit of God’s kingdom in our community and
around the world.
While we believe in the importance of being a self-governing local church, we also believe in
the importance of accountability. LC3 Church has established relational accountability with
other churches and ministries to serve as an important source of wisdom and perspective as we seek God’s direction for our church.